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Kinfolk Travel Bok
New MagsNew Mags

Kinfolk Travel Bok

403 kr
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Bok fra New Mags.
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Kinfolk Travel Bok

403 kr

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Kinfolk Travel bok fra New Mags med inspirerende innhold med tekster og bilder. Perfekt for det moderne hjemmet. Den har et stilrent design med et sandfarget omslag. Perfekt for å plassere i et dypere vindu, på sidebordet eller på nattbordet.

Bra å vite om Kinfolk Travel boken
- Hardcover omslag.
- Størrelse: 20 x 28 cm.
- 352 sider.
- ISBN: 9781579659844

"Slower Ways to See the World: Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in “slow living,” their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450,000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to entertaining (The Kinfolk Table), interior design (The Kinfolk Home), and living with nature (The Kinfolk Garden). Now they have turned their attention to “slow travel,” offering readers a road map for planning trips that foster meaningful connections with local people and authentic experiences of local culture. Go museum hopping in Tasmania, or birdwatching in London. Explore the burgeoning fashion community in Dakar. Take a bicycle tour through Idaho, or a train trip from Oslo to Bergen. Drawing on the magazine’s global community of writers and photographers, Kinfolk Travel takes readers to over 20 location across five continents, with travel tips from locals, stunning images, and thoughtful essays."


  • Produktnummer
  • Lev. produktnummer
  • Varemerke
    New Mags
  • Fraktklasse
  • Farge
  • Bredde
    20 cm
  • Høyde
    28 cm
Om varemerket
New Mags er et selskap som selger eksklusive tidsskrifter. New Mags produserer magasiner og bøker med fokus på interiørdesign, mote, natur, fotografering, mat og drikke, reiser og mye mer. Deres eksklusive bøker er ikke bare inspirerende, men passer også som dekorasjoner.