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The Kinfolk Home
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The Kinfolk Home

452 kr
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The Kinfolk Home lar deg komme inn i 35 hjem rundt omkring i verden som på ulike måter reflekterer Slow Living. 368 sider med flotte og inspirerende fotografier, portretter og historier.
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The Kinfolk Home

452 kr

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The Kinfolk Home lar deg komme inn i 35 hjem rundt omkring i verden som på ulike måter reflekterer Slow Living. 368 sider med flotte og inspirerende fotografier, portretter og historier.

I likhet med alle bøkene fra New Mags er også denne en fin interiørdetalj.

Nathan Williams

368 sider

"Kinfolk Home welcomes readers into 35 homes around the world that reflect some of the key principles of slow living: cultivating community, simplifying our lives and reclaiming time for what matters most. With 289 full-color photographs spanning 368 pages, The Kinfolk Home is a detailed exploration into living spaces from the United States, Scandinavia, Asia and more. Through a mix of portrait and interior photography, profiles and essays, we visit the homes of designers, entrepreneurs, architects, photographers and stylists. Delving deeper than decor, author Nathan Williams invites each resident to share their values, the ways those ideals have shaped their homes and the ways their homes have in turn shaped them. At the heart of each living space is an aesthetic shaped by the dweller’s idea of what is essential—whether it’s a collection of inherited French antiques, a table long enough for a dinner party of a dozen, a smattering of children’s sketches pasted on the walls or minimalist rooms reserved for creative thought. What each of these homes shares in common is that they’ve been put together carefully, slowly, and with intention."


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New Mags er et selskap som selger eksklusive tidsskrifter. New Mags produserer magasiner og bøker med fokus på interiørdesign, mote, natur, fotografering, mat og drikke, reiser og mye mer. Deres eksklusive bøker er ikke bare inspirerende, men passer også som dekorasjoner.